July 07, 2011

Chinese Sanitation Worker

This properly the most common scene I saw in Shenzhen the village my daughter and I lived. Every morning, earlier than five o'clock, many sanitation workers in their green shirts and yellow straw hats were busy to clean the garbage around the village. They use their bare hands to grab the dirty things from the trash boxes around the village, then most of them were very eagerly try to search some empty bottles or cart boards and try to resell for little profits. For me it's kind shocked that they did not have any protection on their hands when everyday touching the dirty things. I can feel if they found more than a few plastic bottles they could not cover their happiness from their faces and to keep these belongings into their own bags as treasures. It's very good for the city that people are trying to recycle the plastic and paper materials, but the workers should have the basic knowledge of protecting themselves.

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